XP-18UL Fire Retardant
We are introducing the XP-18UL fire retardant XLPE to the market this month. XP-18UL is a 1.8lb density, chemically crosslinked fire retardant closed cell foam. Compliant with UL 94 HF-1 testing standard, XP-18UL is an ideal material for applications where a...
Grand Opening
To increase our market footprint and better serve our customers, we are pleased to announce the opening of Worldwide Foam’s 7th location, in Brantford, Canada. The approximately 200,000 square-foot facility will offer a wide array of stock XLPE and Elastomeric...
Jacobs & Thompson, Ltd. will begin doing business as Worldwide Foam
To better align our U.S. operations and marketing strategies, Jacobs & Thompson, Ltd. will begin doing business as (d/b/a) Worldwide Foam as of, January 7th, 2019. Confirmations and invoicing will reflect the name change, however, POs and payments to Jacobs &...
Zotefoams are now available
Zotefoams is now ready to ship The past few months, we have worked relentlessly to build up Zotefoams inventory at our Elkhart facility. We are pleased to announce the LD, EVZ, and HD series are now available. All of which are kept in great stock volumes for immediate...