Level Wound Spooling Service
The spooling process creates rolls that are significantly longer than standard slit rolls, which reduce changeover and increase production efficiency.
Worldwide Foam offers a variety of add-on services to supply our customers press ready materials. To see our full capabilities chart, please click here.

Worldwide Foam has expanded our add-on service capabilities in Wurtland, KY to include level wound spooling equipment. This state-of-the-art production line transforms master rolls of materials into customized prole shapes, at varying widths and continuous lengths. This new spooler can make rolls in multiples of 9 and is dedicated to our material converting customers across North America, so please let us know what we can transform for you today!
Custom formats are available.

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Elkhart, IN
La Porte, IN
Wurtland, KY
Atlanta, GA
Ontario, CA

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