Plastic Corrugated Sheets
Maximize your pallet space and reduce shipping costs with our versatile corrugated plastic sheets.
Simply add these durable sheets to your next order and watch your savings grow. As an added bonus, we’ve reduced the price of our popular 4mm sheets by nearly 10%!
Our stock corrugated plastic sheets are available in 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 10 mm thicknesses, measuring 48” x 96”.
Start saving today!
Want a sample of our plastic corrugated sheets? Contact us today!
What’s New in Worldwide Foam

We are thrilled to introduce our latest product offering the WZ-40, a 2.5lb/ft3 density, 1.375”x48”x80” XLPE foam.

For those who are looking for 2A1 EPDM but not the premium price tag for automotive spec, the EM-41-ST and EM-41-UL are worth a second look.
What You Might Have Missed

Extruded Crosslinked Roll Now Made In USA
Our popular extruded crosslinked roll goods (XE) are now made in Elkhart, Indiana! With the recent launch of our extrusion line, we are providing customers with greater flexibility and faster turnaround times.